The Unusual Life of Ida Mae Couciero* Drama/Comedy Cast: 3 Un-produced
A modern day young woman finds herself inhabiting the body of an illegitimate girl in Victorian England and struggles to find her way to the one place she feels she belongs -- Brooklyn.
Cranium Fandango* Drama/Comedy Cast: 3 Un-produced. Woodward/Newman Award Finalist Androsia, a professor of anthropology, develops a strange speech disorder that eventually threatens to destroy her life.
The BoShines* Drama/Comedy Cast: 4 Un-produced
A hippie love story from Puerto Rico to Woodstock to a Vermont commune -- ending fifty years later as Bo and Shine find themselves in a trailer park wondering what to do.
Famine Plays* Drama Cast: 9 Produced: Yale Cabaret, Cucaracha Theatre, Under One Roof, Theatre of Note
A diverse group of characters struggle to survive as catastrophic climate change envelopes the U.S. and civilization unravels around them.
Rodents & Radios Drama Cast: 7 Produced: Cucaracha Theatre (Best Play List - Mel Gussow, NY Times) Published: Sun & Moon Press
A kaleidoscopic collage of disparate characters on their individual journeys, ranging from a Romanian tennis pro to a radio talk show host.
Chili Buttons* Play with Music - Drama/Comedy Un-produced
An aging rock star appearing in a theatrical biography detailing her infamous life and career, appears to have reached the end of the road but finds a new perspective.
A Vast Wreck Drama Cast: 8 Produced: Cucaracha Theatre, Theatre of Note
A mutated mix of Wilder's "Our Town" and Ibsen's "Peer Gynt".
Days on Earth* Drama/Romance Cast: 4 Readings: Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York Stage & Film, Cherry Lane Theatre, Yale School of Drama
A romance between an idealistic socialist and a committed hedonist that spans the decades between World War One and the first landing on the moon.
Les Funky Sisters Fantastique* Musical Comed/Drama Cast: 7 (minimum) Unproduced
Wanda, a celebrated Christian rock star, finds herself in love with a "godless black lesbian".
Surf City Musical Comedy/Drama Cast: 8 (minimum) Workshop produced at The National Theatre Conservatory, Denver Center Theatre A totally righteous melt-down of Puccini's opera, Turandot.
Call Me Rita Book by Kerry Muir, Music & Lyrics by Richard Caliban Musical Drama Cast: 8 (minimum) Un-produced
A psychological thriller that chronicles the journey of aging movie queen, Rita Hayworth, mandated to the psych ward where she's forced to confront her troublesome past as a young flamenco dancer in her abusive father's vaudeville act.
the Girl from Ipanema Musical Drama Cast: 8 (minimum) Workshop produced at The National Theatre Conservatory, Denver Center Theatre
A Brazilian spin-off of Bizet's famed opera, Carmen.
MoM - A Rock Concert Musical Musical Comedy/Drama Cast: 5 Produced: New York Int'l Fringe Festival (Outstanding Musical), and many subsequent productions including The Actor's Playhouse and Geva Theatre Center.
Five middle aged suburban moms start up a band just for laughs and unexpectedly become -- a phenomenon!
Lost Shanghai Book & Lyrics by Richard Caliban & Angel Lam, Music by Angel Lam Musical Drama/Romance Cast: 10 Un-produced
A fateful romance set in the glamorous underworld of Shanghai, "The Paris of the Orient", in the turbulent days leading up to the revolution.
Bunasta Musical Drama
Coming soon.
TV Pilot
MoM Rocks 1 hour pilot episode. Comic drama
Five middle aged suburban moms start up a band just for laughs and unexpectedly become -- a phenomenon!
A Rock & Roll comic drama based on the hit play, MoM -- A Rock Concert Musical, which won Best Musical at the New York International Fringe Festival. A mix of Parenthood, Desperate Housewives and Vinyl.
One Act Plays
Je Ne Sais Quoi One Act Comedy Cast: 2 Un-produced
Everything goes wrong during the performance of a romantic comedy, including the accidental death of the lead actress. And so -- her understudy steps in.
Gladiator One Act Drama Cast: 3 Produced: Cucaracha Theatre, Act One Festival -- Met Theatre, and many university productions. Published: Smith & Kraus
A journalist is taken hostage by the convict he is interviewing.